It’s taken some getting used to not having a studio to shoot in during the winter. I’ve learned that what I thought was cold is not really cold for one thing. Anything above 25 degrees or so in the Poconos of Pennsylvania is a moderate winter day. I guess since we’re literally on top of the mountain we get the brunt of the cold. Just a few miles south (to Stroudsberg) or north (to Scranton) I would have never even considered shooting outside in North Carolina if we were anywhere near freezing. Here is like its almost summer when we hit 32 and I feel like spending hours outside shooting! Its been a long winter already and although there are many things I love about mountain life, the endless cold (below zero) and inches of snow are already making me dream of being somewhere different. Granted, I do enjoy the images that can be created on a very snowy day. These types of pictures can’t be copied even in the best of studio environments, but decent days in the month of January are few and far between. Thankfully I have some resilient children and several neighbors who are more then willing to let me have their kiddos for a few moments to fulfill my creative desires. I hope to get more red riding hood images up here shortly, but for not I just have a few. After all we were out there about 5 minutes and all of us were nearly frozen to the core!