Category Archives: Get to know me
ISR lessons – a personal story – Star Aquatics in Greensboro
I wanted to share something with you that is near and dear to me. We’ve spent the last 4 weeks, 5 days a week taking our kids to ISR lessons. For those of you who aren’t familiar with ISR ( you’ll get a good idea by watching the video below), I encourage you too google it and see what its all about for yourself. Basically though it teaches babies and toddlers how to survive in the water should they happen to fall in. We personally do not have a pool, nor do we spend alot of time at the pool. What motivated me was that drowning is among the highest causes of death of children under 4 and that I as a mom have a responsibility to do everything in my power to protect my kids. I’ve invested in an alarm for our house, I’ve invested in good carseats for our vehicles, I’ve invested in baby gates, plug covers, etc etc.. why wouldn’t I invest in keeping my children safe around the water? Yes it was a big commitment both in time and financially but its one of those things that I personally couldn’t not do for my family. We made it work!
Another statistic I recently heard was that it takes just 18 seconds for a child to drown. It takes me more than 18 seconds to turn away, grab my phone, answer it and then look back for my child and find they’ve fallen into the pool/pond/lake whatever. Wow! If that doesn’t motivate you, I dont know what will!
So, here is my 13 month old in her 4th week of ISR lessons. She’s got probably 2+ more weeks to go until she’s mastered her skills but I felt like now was a good time to share. Just click on the link below to be taken to the video
If you’d like more information about these lessons or how to be put into contact with the local Triad teacher please leave a comment here, shoot us an email to or give us a call at 336-298-1731
Thanks for watching and I hope this has been encouraging that you can keep even your babies safe near water!
Photography studio in Greensboro – 1st birthdays are the best – Let’s celebrate by taking an adventure
Its fun having a little girl! I never imaged how fun until she started to grow. She’s so different from my son in so many ways but equally just as special. I love her so much and I’m so proud to be her mommy. Its hard for me to believe it was a year ago that I welcomed her into this world. What a blessing she is to me. Happy birthday to my Amaya Joy… my joy everyday!
Greensboro Photographer – Cutest Kid Contest 2011 – Photographer’s choice awards
Now I have to start this off by saying EVERY ONE of these kids were so extraordinary! I was absolutely and incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to meet them all, their wonderful moms, dads, and many grannies too! I wanted to share some of my favorite images from February and with those some very special titles and prizes I’ve decided to give away just because I feel like it! 😉 So each of these families are receiving bonus prints, etc in their packages.. all of which I’m leaving as a surprise for when ya’ll come and pick them up! 😉
The Sweetest Moment
These brothers just melt my heart! I love the connection between them and all three of them are just the sweetest boys you will ever meet!
Cutest Prop
How adorable is this???? This little girl was just the cutest in her little tutu and then to make it even cuter.. momma brought along this little ballerina! Looks like their deep in serious conversation here doesnt it! So precious!
Biggest Giggles
I just absolutely LOVED the expression in this photo! Nothing is sweeter than little baby giggles
Most likely to break hearts
Now this one was actually a tough category for me to choose! There were two other kiddos in the running for this title…..but I just kept coming back to this image.. she looks so grown up!!! I suspect they’ll be many boys getting this look one day.. and poor boy’s they’ll be! lol
Most Mischievous
I dont think I need to say anything..just take a look at that face! hehe So cute! Watch out mamma!!
Newborn photography studio in greensboro – Another gorgeous newborn!
There is something so special about getting photos of a new baby during its first week. They are just so snuggly, sleep, and absolutely precious (always ofcourse).. but even more so during this time. Its during that first week when I as an artist can have alot of fun “playing” because its a time when the baby is typically super duper sleepy and can be molded and moved into the sweetest little positions. Its also a time that during that deep sleep, the baby is making the most precious little facial expressions.. and in this case smiles. I just love these images and I know mom does too! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Greensboro Children’s Photographer – Cutest Kid 2011 Winners!
We are pleased to announce the winner of our Cutest Kid Contest 2011! Thank you all so much for supporting this contest, and more importantly our sponsored charity, the Family Support Network of Central Carolina. With your help we raised over $3000 for this wonderful charity! Below you’ll find a listing of the prize winners. A big thanks goes out to our sponsors for their generous donations!
And now presenting….
Our Cutest Kid Winner receives……
Family Galore Package from Forget Me Not Photography ($425)
16X20 Canvas ($310)
1 Framed 8X10 ($125)
A Photo Bucket Bag ($100)
Gift Certificate to Hand & Stone ($75)
2 – Family of 5 passes to ArtQuest ($50)
Registration & 2 hours of childcare from Preferred Childcare ($125)
Gift Certificate from Simple Pleasure Design Group ($195)
A gorgeous product from Deanna Trauth of Scentsy ($25)
A set of silver earings from Silver Shed Studio ($12)
Gift Certificate to Kid Tested ($75)
Gift Certificate to Woodard’s Cabinets ($100)
A Uniform & 1 Month of Lessons from Greensboro Black Belt ($100)
5 Gift Certificates from Lucky 32 ($50)
Beautiful Handbag from Splurges Boutique ($50)
A beautiful shelf from Jessica Jeffries of Willow House ($25)
A Cooking show and Gift Certificate from Natasha Ours of Pampered Chef ($50)
Gift Certificate to Updos ($50)
Our 2nd place winner receives……
Children’s Portrait Session from Forget Me Not Photography ($129)
16X20 Canvas ($310)
1 Framed 8X10 print ($125)
Gift Certificate from Sharon Collins of Creative Memories ($25)
Family Passes to Old Salem ($50)
Family Pass to ArtQuest ($25)
Gift Certificate to Apple Educational ($30)
Gift Certificate from Aimee Segposyan of Usborne Books
Beautiful set of Silpada Earings from Tara Carter
Tastefully Simple Products from Melissa Pollio
A pair of Silver Earings from Silver Shed Studio ($12)
Our 3rd place winner receives….
30 minute mini children’s portrait session from Forget Me Not Photography ($79)
Keepsakes Package of prints ($350)
Gift Certificate from Cathleen Berry of Storytime Felts ($25)
Gift Certificate from Jennifer Beckner of Stampin UP ($25)
Beautiful Necklace from Bella Joy
Pair of Silver Earings from Silver Shed Studio ($12)
Tickets to the NC Zoo ($32)
Family Pass to ArtQuest ($25)
At Random Prizes (for contestants and voters)
Portrait Party for up to 10 children by Forget Me Not Photography – Courtney Poythress
Family Pass to ArtQuest- Stewart Penick
Goodies from Knotty Girl- Shelia Temple
Avon goodies from Tara- Robin Paschal
Goodies from Melissa Wise of Mary Kay- Ashley Jones
A Gift Certiciate to Bundle of Joy Doulas- Tiffany McDaniel
A Gift Certificate for Mothering the Mother Doulas- Dusti Power
Raffle Prizes (for contestants and voters)
A Family Portrait Session and Keepsakes Package from Forget Me Not Photography (up to $525) – Rina Bryant
An Estate Planning Package from Wait Law (up to $1200 value)- Cathleen Berry
Baby Shower Planning Package from Any Way You Want It Events- Cathleen Berry
1 Uniform and 1 month of Tae Kwon Do Classes from Greensboro Black Belt ($100) -Allison Adams Teague
A Huge Goodie Basket from Tiffany Hargett of Arbonne ($259)- Kathy Kunkle
A very cool cookie gift set from Natasha Ours of Pampered Chef- Emily
Thanks again to everyone who came out to participate, vote, and donate! We couldn’t have done this without you! See you again next year!!
Greensboro Photography studio – Squishy little guy – Greensboro newborn photographers
This precious little man came to me from a mutual associate, someone I definitely recommend that any of you new moms check out! Bundle of Joy doulas is an outstanding service that provides assistance to moms for the month after your baby arrives. I absolutely loved meeting this family! Mom was just so sweet and you couldn’t ask for a better more snuggly newborn baby boy!
Children’s Photographer – Greensboro / Winston Salem / High Point – Cutest Kid Contest 2011
Welcome to Forget Me Not’s cutest kid contest 2011!
Thank you for your participation in helping increase awareness and earn support for our sponsored charity, the FSNCC!
The Family Support Network of Central Carolina is an organization dedicated to serving families of children with special needs, including prematurity, developmental disabilities, or chronic illness. To learn more about them, or to take advantage of their services please visit their website :
We dedicate the entire month of February to earn money for this charity. We’ve collected about 1/2 of our goal during February through our Cutest Kid sessions and now its time for you, our voters to help us reach it!
Make a $200 donation and receive a complimentary children’s portrait session from us.
Make a $100 donation and receive a $100 alacarte print credit for a portrait session from us.
Make a $50 donation and receive a $50 gift card to use toward a portrait
Make a $5 donation and participate in our raffle.
Make a $1 donation and vote for your favorite cutest kid.
And just by voting you’ll be entered to win one of 8 different at random prizes!
To make a direct donation….
To make a direct donation to the Family Support Network of Central Carolina please click on the link below or send a donation to them directly at:
Family Support Network of Central Carolina
801 Green Valley Road
Greensboro, NC 27408
Make a secure donation to them via their website via PayPal or major credit card by following the paypal link that looks like this:
If you’re donating $50, $100, or $200 please leave a comment in the box below with your email address so we can send you your credit!
To register for the raffle prizes…
For your chance to win a prize, please follow the instructions below.
1. Make your $1 donation and vote for your favorite Cutest Kid!
2. Choose which of the following prizes you would be interested in winning.
3. Click on that prize.
4. Follow the instructions listed on that link.
A Family Portrait Session and Keepsakes Package from Forget Me Not Photography (up to $525)
An Estate Planning Package from Wait Law (up to $1200 value)
Baby Shower Planning Package from Any Way You Want It Events
1 Uniform and 1 month of Tae Kwon Do Classes from Greensboro Black Belt ($100)
A Huge Goodie Basket from Tiffany Hargett of Arbonne ID # 18635994 ($259)
A very cool cookie gift set from Natasha Ours of Pampered Chef
To vote for the cutest kid…
To vote please follow the instructions below. Each individual has the opportunity to cast 2 votes per child. You may vote for more than 1 child.
1. Decide who you want to vote for!
2. Click on the image of the child you want to vote for (voting begins March 1st)
3. Click on the paypal button below to be taken to the FSNCC website. Find that same button there to make your $1 or more secure donation. This is not required to vote, but requested. The reason we spend an entire month dedicated to this contest, and why all of our sponosors have so generously donated items is to raise money for this wonderful organization!!! (Family Support Network of Central Carolina)
4. Come back to the page you opened of the Cutest Kid Contestant. Scroll to the bottom of the page and leave a comment (whatever you want to say) about that image/child. Include your email address or the vote will not count! This is our way of ensuring that votes are coming from unique users and that individuals are not voting multiple times for the same contestant. Your comment will say “awaiting moderator approval” until it is approved by our staff, at which time it will be counted.
1st vote cast
– on to the 2nd vote –
1. Follow this link to the Forget Me Not Photography & Boutique Facebook fan page.
2. Fan us by clicking “Like” on the top menu bar.
3. Navigate to your favorite child’s picture (via the Photos area on the left menu bar, under the Cutest Kid 2011 album)
4. “Like” that photo.
2nd vote cast!
Here they are!!
Voting will close at 5pm on March 8th. Winners will be announced by noon the following day! Prize packages are listed HERE
A HUGE thank you goes out to all of our sponsor, without whom the Family Support Network would not be receiving nearly the amount they are! Please visit their websites by clicking on the links below.
Thank you to all of our contestants for bringing in your beautiful children for your sessions and lastly , thank you voters for coming out and showing your support in our raffle and in picking the winners!!! Good luck to everyone!!